Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Tokyo to Ise

We left the hotel in Tokyo early Sunday morning to catch the train to Ise. Or, more correctly, to catch two trains to Ise. The first train was the speedy and modern Shinkansen, or bullet train, which we took to Nagoya. In Nagoya, we switched to a different line, with older, and slower, trains running on a single shared track. From time to time the trains will pull off onto a side track to allow a train traveling in the opposite direction to pass.
We arrived in Ise's sleeply little train station and found a taxi to the ryokan, or traditional Japanese inn. (More on this soon)
We strolled around the old buildings near the river behind the inn, poked around in a craft market, found some lunch and tea, and then headed back to the inn for dinner and a surprisingly quiet evening.

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